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Today’s lesson: How SMS texting can make your back-to-school experience the best one yet

Writer: Pony Express HQPony Express HQ

Updated: Feb 22, 2024

Summer ☀️ is almost over, and the first cool breezes of fall are upon us. Yep, it’s “Back to School” already. With schools starting this week, it’s time to think about how today’s technology can better the educational experience for everyone involved. From administrators to teachers to parents and all the students, running a school and making sure everyone is properly informed is a complex challenge. 🏫

Therefore, mass text messaging is the best solution for schools!

SMS Texting for Schools
Mass Text Messaging | How SMS Texting Can Make Your Back To School Experience The Best One Yet

Schools that implement a bulk SMS texting plan have found a cost-effective and straightforward answer to those communication challenges. Considering the fact that 95% of all mass text messages are read within the first 5 minutes, school administrators are able to reach their target audience (staff, parents) in a short time while spending less.

We covered how schools are using mass text messaging below. 💬 However, if you're new to the world of mass messaging, don't worry! We've got you covered with our comprehensive guide - SMS marketing 101.

How are schools using mass text messaging?

1. In-house communication

In-house communication is vital for an educational institution. Even the smallest education organizations have at least 200 staff members. It’s quite hard to stay in communication with this number of employees, considering they are working in different departments. Bulk SMS allows easy employee communication and helps everyone stay on top of important and urgent notifications. 🚨

Message examples for in-house communication in schools:

📣 Staff Update 📣

Reminder: Department meeting tomorrow at 9 AM in the conference room. Don't forget to bring your reports and ideas. See you there! - School Admin

🚨 Urgent Notice 🚨

Attention all teachers: Please check your emails for the revised schedule for tomorrow's professional development session. Thank you. - School Management

🗓️ Event Reminder 🗓️

Friendly reminder to all staff members about the upcoming Parent-Teacher Conference next Thursday. Don't forget to prepare your progress reports. - School Admin

2. Parent Communication

Schools are responsible for the wellness and safety of their students five days a week. Now, more than ever, parents want to stay connected with their children during the school day. They want to be informed about every subject that impacts their children in school. Mass text messaging enables schools to send prompt messages to parents to inform them about unexpected cancellations, fire drills, snow days, and other happenings that will impact how parents should plan for their day. 📝

Message examples for parent communication:

🔔 School Alert 🔔

Due to inclement weather, the school will be closed tomorrow. Please stay tuned for further updates. Stay safe! - School Administration

📢 Important Announcement 📢

Attention Parents: The field trip originally scheduled for next Monday has been postponed. New date and details will be shared soon. - School Office

🚸 School Reminders 🚸

Don't forget, tomorrow is Picture Day! Make sure your child comes dressed in their best smile. 📸 - School Administration

3. Student Reminders

Kids can be forgetful. When was the last time your child forgot to mention signing a permission slip? Or the need to bring cupcakes to school for the bake sale? With a bulk messaging plan, school management can keep parents informed in a timely manner and lift the burden on children to notify their parents about important happenings.

Message examples for student reminders:

📝 Permission Slip Alert 📝

Parents, kindly sign and return the permission slip for the upcoming field trip by Friday. Thank you! - School Office

🎂 Bake Sale Reminder 🎂

Attention Students: Tomorrow is the bake sale! Bring your baked goods to the school office in the morning. 🧁🍪 - School Committee

📚 Library Due Date 📚

Reminder: Books borrowed from the school library are due back by Friday. Renewals are available if needed. - School Librarian

These days, schools can’t afford to not make every effort to keep communication channels open with the parents of their students. Mass text messaging enables schools to send prompt messages to parents, all in one shot, with minimal cost and effort. 💸

Affordable SMS Text Marketing Prices
Mass Text Messaging for Schools | Affordable SMS Text Marketing Prices

💡 This guide can be helpful for schools and teachers: 9 Ways to improve parent engagement in school using mass texting

The best mass text messaging service

At Pony Express HQ, we have built a powerful and user-friendly mass text messaging platform that can be very useful for schools and educational institutions. Pony Express HQ is a cost-effective texting service with no monthly fees.🙅‍ You can see what we mean by examining our SMS marketing pricing.

Join Pony Express HQ today and let us help make your back-to-school experience the best one yet.

Happy Texting!

The Pony Express HQ Team


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